class description - source file - inheritance tree
void Class2Html(TClass* classPtr, Bool_t force = kFALSE)
void ClassDescription(ofstream& out, TClass* classPtr, Bool_t& flag)
void ClassTree(TVirtualPad* canvas, TClass* classPtr, Bool_t force = kFALSE)
Bool_t CopyHtmlFile(Char_t* sourceName, Char_t* destName)
void CreateIndex(Char_t** classNames, Int_t numberOfClasses)
void CreateIndexByTopic(Char_t** filenames, Int_t numberOfNames, Int_t maxLen)
void CreateListOfTypes()
void DerivedClasses(ofstream& out, TClass* classPtr)
void ExpandKeywords(ofstream& out, Char_t* text, TClass* ptr2class, Bool_t& flag, Char_t* dir)
void ExpandPpLine(ofstream& out, Char_t* line)
const Char_t* GetFileName(Char_t* filename)
Char_t* GetHtmlFileName(TClass* classPtr)
Bool_t IsModified(TClass* classPtr, Int_t type)
Bool_t IsName(Int_t c)
Bool_t IsWord(Int_t c)
void ReplaceSpecialChars(ofstream& out, Char_t c)
void ReplaceSpecialChars(ofstream& out, Char_t* string)
void SortNames(Char_t** strings, Int_t num, Bool_t type = 0)
Char_t* StrDup(Char_t* s1, Int_t n = 1)
THtml THtml()
THtml THtml(THtml&)
virtual void ~THtml()
TClass* Class()
void Convert(Text_t* filename, Text_t* title, Text_t* dirname)
const Char_t* GetOutputDir()
const Char_t* GetSourceDir()
const Char_t* GetXwho()
virtual TClass* IsA()
virtual Bool_t IsModified()
void MakeAll(Bool_t force = kFALSE)
void MakeClass(Text_t* className, Bool_t force = kFALSE)
void MakeIndex()
void MakeTree(Text_t* className, Bool_t force = kFALSE)
void SetEscape(Char_t esc = \)
void SetOutputDir(Char_t* dir)
void SetSourceDir(Char_t* dir)
void SetXwho(char* xwho)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
virtual void WriteHtmlFooter(ofstream& out, Char_t* dir, Char_t* lastUpdate, Char_t* author, Char_t* copyright)
virtual void WriteHtmlHeader(ofstream& out, Char_t* title)
TString fXwho by default
static const Char_t* fSourceDir source path
static const Char_t* fOutputDir output directory
Char_t* fLine current line
Int_t fLen maximum line length
Char_t* fCounter counter string
Bool_t fEscFlag Flag to mark the symbol must be written "as is"
Char_t fEsc The special symbol ("backslash" by default) to mark "the next symbol should not be converted
The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a simple data format used to
create hypertext documents that are portable from one platform to another.
HTML documents are SGML documents with generic semantics that are
appropriate for representing information from a wide range of domains.
The THtml class is designed to provide an easy way for converting ROOT
classes, and files as well, into HTML documents. Here is the few rules
and suggestions for a configuration, coding and usage.
The output directory could be specified using the Root.Html.OutputDir
environment variable ( default value: "html/" ). Also it is necessary to
define Root.Html.SourceDir to point to directories containing .cxx and .h
files ( see: TEnv ).
Root.Html.OutputDir: html
Root.Html.SourceDir: src:include:.:/usr/user/source
During the conversion, THtml will look for the certain number of
user defined strings, i.e. author's name, copyright note, etc.
This could be defined with following environment variables:
Root.Html.Author ( default: //*-- Author : )
Root.Html.LastUpdate ( default: //*CMZ : )
Root.Html.Copyright ( default: // Copyright )
Coding rules:
A class description block, which must be placed before the first
member function, has a following form:
// TMyClass
// This is the description block.
The environment variable Root.Html.Description ( see: TEnv ) contents
the delimiter string ( default value: //_________________ ). It means
that you can also write your class description block like this:
// A description of the class starts with the line above, and
// will take place here !
Note that EVERYTHING until the first non-commented line is considered
as a valid class description block.
A member function description block starts immediately after '{'
and looks like this:
void TWorld::HelloWorldFunc( string *text )
// This is an example of description for the
// TWorld member function
helloWorld.Print( text );
Like in a class description block, EVERYTHING until the first
non-commented line is considered as a valid member function
description block.
==> The "Begin_Html" and "End_Html" special keywords <=========
You can insert pure html code in your comment lines. During the
generation of the documentation, this code will be inserted as is
in the html file.
Pure html code must be inserted between the keywords "Begin_Html"
and "End_Html" starting/finishing anywhere in the comment lines.
Examples of pure html code are given in many Root classes.
See for example the classes TDataMember and TMinuit.
==> The escape character
Outside blocks starting with "Begin_Html" and finishing with "End_Html"
one can prevent the automatic translation of symbols like "<" and ">"
to "<" and ">" by using the escape character in front.
The default escape character is backslash and can be changed
via the member function SetEscape.
Root> gHtml.MakeAll // invoke a make for all classes
Root> gHtml.MakeClass( TMyClass ) // create a HTML files for that class only
Root> gHtml.MakeIndex() // creates an index files only
Root> gHtml.MakeTree( TMyClass ) // creates an inheritance tree for a class
Root> gHtml.Convert( hist1.mac, "Histogram example" )
Environment variables:
Root.Html.OutputDir ( default: html/ )
Root.Html.SourceDir ( default: src/ )
Root.Html.Author ( default: //*-- Author : )
Root.Html.LastUpdate ( default: //*CMZ : )
Root.Html.Copyright ( default: // Copyright )
Root.Html.Description ( default: //____________________ )
Root.Html.HomePage ( URL to the user defined home page )
Root.Html.SearchEngine ( link to the search engine )
Create a THtml object. Use object directly or via the global
pointer gHtml. In case output directory does not exist an error
will be printed and gHtml stays 0 also zombie bit will be set.
Default destructor
void Class2Html( TClass *classPtr, Bool_t force )
It creates HTML file for a single class
Input: classPtr - pointer to the class
void ClassDescription( ofstream &out, TClass *classPtr, Bool_t &flag )
This function builds the description of the class
Input: out - output file stream
classPtr - pointer to the class
flag - this is a '/' flag
void ClassTree( TVirtualPad *psCanvas, TClass *classPtr, Bool_t force )
It makes a class tree
Input: psCanvas - pointer to the current canvas
classPtr - pointer to the class
void Convert( Text_t *filename, Text_t *title, Text_t *dirname )
It converts a single text file to HTML
Input: filename - name of the file to convert
title - title which will be placed at the top of the HTML file
dirname - optional parameter, if it's not specified, output will
be placed in html/examples directory.
NOTE: Output file name is the same as filename, but with extension .html
Bool_t CopyHtmlFile( const Char_t *sourceName, const Char_t *destName )
Copy file to HTML directory
Input: sourceName - source file name
destName - optional destination name, if not
specified it would be the same
as the source file name
Output: TRUE if file is successfully copied, or
FALSE if it's not
NOTE: The destination directory is always fOutputDir
void CreateIndex( const Char_t **classNames, Int_t numberOfClasses )
Create an index
Input: classNames - pointer to an array of class names
numberOfClasses - number of elements
void CreateIndexByTopic( Char_t **fileNames, Int_t numberOfNames, Int_t maxLen )
It creates several index files
Input: fileNames - pointer to an array of file names
numberOfNames - number of elements in the fileNames array
maxLen - maximum length of a single name
void CreateListOfTypes()
Create list of all data types
void DerivedClasses( ofstream &out, TClass *classPtr )
It creates a list of derived classes
Input: out - output file stream
classPtr - pointer to the class
void ExpandKeywords( ofstream &out, Char_t *text, TClass *ptr2class,
Bool_t &flag, Char_t *dir )
Find keywords in text & create URLs
Input: out - output file stream
text - pointer to the array of the characters to process
ptr2class - pointer to the class
flag - this is a 'html_begin/html_end' flag
dir - usually "" or "../", depends of current file
directory position
void ExpandPpLine( ofstream &out, Char_t *line )
Expand preprocessor statements
Input: out - output file stream
line - pointer to the array of characters,
usually one line from the source file
NOTE: Looks for the #include statements and
creates link to the corresponding file
if such file exists
const Char_t* GetFileName( const Char_t *filename )
It discards any directory information inside filename
Input: filename - pointer to the file name
Output: pointer to the string containing just a file name
without any other directory information, i.e.
'/usr/root/test.dat' will return 'test.dat'
Char_t* GetHtmlFileName( TClass *classPtr )
Return real HTML filename
Input: classPtr - pointer to a class
Output: pointer to the string containing a full name
of the corresponding HTML file
Bool_t IsModified( TClass *classPtr, const Int_t type )
Check if file is modified
Input: classPtr - pointer to the class
type - file type to compare with
values: kSource, kInclude, kTree
Output: TRUE - if file is modified since last time
FALSE - if file is up to date
Bool_t IsName( Int_t c )
Check if c is a valid C++ name character
Input: c - a single character
Output: TRUE if c is a valid C++ name character
and FALSE if it's not.
NOTE: Valid name characters are [a..zA..Z0..9_],
Bool_t IsWord( Int_t c )
Check if c is a valid first character for C++ name
Input: c - a single character
Output: TRUE if c is a valid first character for C++ name,
and FALSE if it's not.
NOTE: Valid first characters are [a..zA..Z_]
void MakeAll( Bool_t force )
It makes everything
void MakeClass( Text_t *className, Bool_t force )
Make HTML files for a single class
Input: className - name of the class to process
void MakeIndex()
It makes an index files
void MakeTree( Text_t *className, Bool_t force )
Make an inheritance tree
Input: className - name of the class to process
void ReplaceSpecialChars( ofstream &out, const Char_t c )
Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than character
Input: out - output file stream
c - single character
void ReplaceSpecialChars( ofstream &out, const Char_t *string )
Replace ampersand, less-than and greater-than characters
Input: out - output file stream
string - pointer to an array of characters
void SortNames( const Char_t **strings, Int_t num, Bool_t type )
Sort strings
Input: strings - pointer to an array of strings
type - sort type
values : kCaseInsensitive, kCaseSensitive
default: kCaseInsensitive
Char_t* StrDup( const Char_t *s1, Int_t n )
Returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate
of the string to which 's1' points. The space for the
new string is obtained using the 'new' operator. The new
string has the length of 'strlen(s1) + n'.
void WriteHtmlHeader( ofstream &out, const Char_t *title )
Write HTML header
Input: out - output file stream
title - title for the HTML page
void WriteHtmlFooter( ofstream &out, Char_t *dir, const Char_t *lastUpdate,
Char_t *author, Char_t *copyright )
Write HTML footer
Input: out - output file stream
dir - usually equal to "" or "../", depends of
current file directory position, i.e. if
file is in the fOutputDir, then dir will be ""
lastUpdate - last update string
author - author's name
copyright - copyright note
Inline Functions
const Char_t* GetSourceDir()
const Char_t* GetOutputDir()
const Char_t* GetXwho()
void SetEscape(Char_t esc = \)
void SetSourceDir(Char_t* dir)
void SetOutputDir(Char_t* dir)
void SetXwho(char* xwho)
Bool_t IsModified()
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA()
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
THtml THtml(THtml&)
Author: Nenad Buncic 18/10/95
Last update: 2.21/08 17/03/99 08.32.00 by Rene Brun
Copyright (c) 1995-1999, The ROOT System, All rights reserved. *
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