Who is this crib for?
Cribs are for people who don't have time to learn a technology before applying it!
This crib is designed to supply just enough information about ROOT to allow
people to start using the MINOS OO Software.
Hopefully this approach will allow those new to ROOT to "learn on the job".
Once the contents of this crib have been mastered the user is ready to read a
general ROOT documentation. Two recommended ones are:-
This is a gentle introduction to ROOT starting from the concept of an object
and briefly reviewing those features most relevant to new users
- This is a quick guide to root in a question and answer format.
Its target audience is a physicist who knows a little bit of computer programming, but has
no experience with root or C++. Its goal is to get the user up and running quickly.
This is the source of a vast amount of information from a Mission Statement,
and tutorials to reference material on all the ROOT classes and an HTML version
of the ROOT code itself. It contains a
Publication List that points to a number of ROOT overview
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If you have any comments about this page please send them to
Nick West