C++ Syntax: Assignment: = op=


The assignment operator, as in FORTRAN, takes the value of the expression on the right hand side and stores it in the variable on the left hand side. For example:- sum = sum + count; The above construction is so common that C++ has a shortcut for it:- sum += count; and the same idea works for any binary operator e.g.:- weight *= scale; i.e. by following a binary operator directly by an =.

Unlike FORTRAN, the assignment operator, like all other C++ operators, returns a value (its the value of the right hand side). This means that the assignment is itself just a value that can be assigned so that:-

a = ( b = 0); sets both a and b to zero. The above brackets are unnecessary:- a = b = 0; is the same as the order in which assignment operators work is right to left (so a gets a 0 not what was in b before it got a zero). See operator precedence

Other Uses for = op=


Usage Notes

Be careful not to confuse = with ==
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