Kiningergasse 2/5
A-1120 Wien
+43 1 8038018 30
+43 1 8038018 99
Josef Bergmann <> (Linux, security), Wolfgang Bornatowicz <> (Programming)
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Installation, troubleshooting, training, administration, consulting, VPNs, Internet and Intranet connectivity. Special Linux servers for heterogenous networks (Apple, Unix, Windows 95 and NT). Firewall installation and configuration, complete security checks for whole Intranets. Custom software development (C, C++, Delphi, Java, etc.) for scientific, industrial or business applications (client/server).
Upon request.
June 11, 1998.
Pohlgasse 41/14
A-1120 Wien
+43 222 8170494
+43 688 4220313
Michael Rumpler
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation, troubleshooting, training, web services, special software solutions.
ATS 900/hour.
June 25, 1997.
Hetzendorferstraße 23/20
A-1120 Wien
+43 1 8045753
+43 1 8031553
Gerhard Beck <>
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, programming services, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, firewall installation, web services, troubleshooting, training.
Upon request.
October 25, 1998.
Schönbrunnerstr. 179/II/4
A-1120 Vienna
+43 1 8176230
+43 1 8176230 17
Vinzenz Grabner, Michael Lausch, Rainer Hochreiter
Phone or EMail for commercial customers.
Linux installation, configuration and training, networking (Internet and Intranet), databases under Linux (developed Solid Perl and Python interface), security, design of security policies and firewall configurations, integration of heterogenous networks (Appletalk, SMB), development of network management applications (SNMP and TMN), programming of Internet applications (e.g., ISP (e.g. leased lines, dial-up, web).
Upon request.
March 23, 1997.
Grazerstraße 26a
A-8045 Graz
+43 316 688112, +43 664 1021621 (mobile)
+43 316 688112 4
Friedrich Ganter
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Alpha Support only through EDV-Consulting Wolfgang DREYER. Linux installation, turnkey systems for firewall, web and mail server, Intranet server. Choose Intel or Digital Alpha based systems.
April 25, 1997.
Salzburg, NON United States A-5020
CIFS (Samba) Custom Programming E-Commerce Firewalls and Internet Security Internet (Web) Programming Network Administration System Administration System Security
+43 (0)662 450363-0
+43 (0)662 450363-30
+43 (0)662 450363-0
Thomas \'Dune\' Freina
Aichholzgasse 6/5
A-1120 Vienna
+43 1 8173923, +43 1 3190990, +43 664 3383457 (mobile)
+43 1 8173738, +43 1 3190991
Bernhard Lorenz, Herbert Schwabl
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, database and software development, mailing lists, mail setup and configuration, Internet and Intranet concepts and implementation, leased lines, firewall implementation, routing, system administration and troubleshooting. Design and implementation of web sites.
Upon request.
September 24, 1998.
z. Hd. Thomas Kirchtag
Gasgasse 13
A-1150 Wien
+43 664 2231623 (mobile)
+43 1 6898252
Thomas Kirchtag
Phone, remote network administration and onsite.
System administration, Internet and Intranet services, web services, client/server database systems, firewalls, secure web server.
ATS 800/hour.
August 5, 1997.
Flötzerweg 150
A-4030 Linz
+43 732 370 700
+43 732 376 554
Rainer Skarke
Phone, mail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Internet, Intranet and firewalls.
Upon request.
September 24, 1998.
Jahngasse 5
A-8010 Graz
+43 316 815234
Alexander List
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Specialized in ISDN solutions, domain name services and Internet in general.
Basic rate US$60/hour. To be negotiated, depending on type and duration of job.
August 7, 1997.
Brunnengasse 4
A-5020 Salzburg
+43 662 450072
Thomas Michlmayr
EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
System administration (e.g. DNS, mail, news), software installation and porting, training for system administrators.
Upon request.
March 17, 1997.
Raiffeisenstr. 16/9
A-2320 Zwölfaxing
+43 1 7070750
+43 1 7070750 (preferred) (preferred)
Andreas Kostyrka
Remote network administration and onsite (in Vienna and Niederösterreich).
Installation, programming, system administration, Internet and Intranet connectivity, troubleshooting, training.
ATS 700/hour; Installation (1 day onsite): ATS 6000.
August 5, 1997.
Brixentaler Str. 12
A-6300 Wörgl
+43 5332 70455
+43 5332 70455 5
Peter Saringer
Phone, EMail and inhouse.
Training for commercial customers. Linux installation and configuration, networking, security policies, firewall consulting and configuration. Internet and Intranet solutions.
ATS 1100/hour.
March 19, 1997.
Hütteldorferstraße 193/24
A-1140 Wien
+43 1 9117757
+43 1 9117757
Raphael Wegmann, Andreas Bohn
Phone, EMail, remote network administration, inhouse and onsite.
Installation, perl, C and shell programming, system administration, Internet connectivity, Intranet solutions, security consulting, network and firewall planning and setup, troubleshooting, training, web services, fileservers for heterogenous networks
ATS 800/hour.
March 13, 1998.
Hintnausdorf 14/1
A-9300 St. Veit/Glan
+43 4212 60040
+43 4212 60044 20
Wolfgang Dreyer
EMail, phone and onsite.
Specialized in Linux/Alpha.
30 days getting started US$150.
June 22, 1997.